Sunday, January 20, 2008

On My Own

Today was my first day venturing out in the city sans tour guide. I'm pretty proud of myself. I found the Clas Ohlson in the centrum because I needed an AC adapter for my laptop so now I don't have to go to the computer lab anymore to get online...yay! I also did a little window shopping but I really do need to go to IKEA. I don't have any bed linens yet So I've been sleeping with jackets for blankets. Its actually not that bad but I can't wait until the international office takes us all to IKEA. Its about an hour away and they make it a school-sponsored event.

I also meet my fädder this week for fikä. We've emailed a few times since December but we have yet to meet face to face. She'll act as a guide to my studies here in Sweden and will help me get adjusted to Scandinavian life.

Tomorrow is the first day of classes and its after midnight here so I gotta hit the sack...thanks for keeping in touch. Night night!

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