Thursday, June 5, 2008

Playin' Kubb & My New Band

These last few days here in Sweden have been so nice. The weather is warm, everyone is excited to be going home but we're also sad to say goodbye to everyone. About 45 minutes ago my neighbor, Karin, left to go home for the summer but I'm so happy I'll be able to see her again. She informally introduced me to the Swede way of life. I had the chance to play a Swedish lawn game called Kubb and I started a two-drum band with my friend Mila. Swedes can be shy/standoffish at first but, once you get to know them they are very welcoming. I know I've made many lifelong friends here...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rihanna! Now I´m home safely. I have been at my countryhouse the last two days but now I´m att my parents flat downtown Linköping. I have a realy hard time being away from my wonderfull friends in Växjö. If you stay in sweden this summer and want to come visit Linköping, you are so welcome. Miss you so much! Lots of hugs //Karin
