Sunday, June 8, 2008

Chillaxin' at the Lake

On Friday some friends and I went to the lake near campus (there's one directly on campus but not with boats/pier) to chillax together before we each get ready to head home. Its about 1-2 miles away but the walk is definitely worth it. You follow a shaded path through forests over foot bridges and creeks...before you know it you arrive at a beautiful oasis. This was my first time to this "secret spot" so I'm sure I'll be seeing more of it in the near future.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Playin' Kubb & My New Band

These last few days here in Sweden have been so nice. The weather is warm, everyone is excited to be going home but we're also sad to say goodbye to everyone. About 45 minutes ago my neighbor, Karin, left to go home for the summer but I'm so happy I'll be able to see her again. She informally introduced me to the Swede way of life. I had the chance to play a Swedish lawn game called Kubb and I started a two-drum band with my friend Mila. Swedes can be shy/standoffish at first but, once you get to know them they are very welcoming. I know I've made many lifelong friends here...

I'm Famous!!!

About a year ago I used a program to make picture of myself that would make me appear to change faces. The company that produced the software, Fantamorph, was just starting up and wanted people to send in their projects for possible use on their website. I sent in my project because I thought it was silly and I hoped it would make them laugh.

Earlier this week, about a year since i sent in the project, they contacted me and said they used my project for use on their website. CLICK HERE to see the project. (hint: scroll down to see the process used with my pictures).

Goooooooooooooaaaaal!! My first official fotboll (soccer) game!

Yesterday I went to my first official fotboll (soccer in American English) game. From what I've seen on TV there are always thousands of people and rowdy fans. However, the team we went to support, IFK Värnamo, is in the 3rd highest division in Sweden and their opponents, Östers IF (the home team), had been relegated (demoted to lower leagues) twice in the last 2 years. So needless to say, we couldn't expect large crowds but that definitely didn't stop us from being rowdy.

Out of the entire stadium there were only the 6 of us cheering for the away team plus a few parents of the players. Everyone around kept staring at us because we were so enthusiastic over such a low-stakes game. Someone even took video of us...probably to show his friends how silly international students can be...hahaha!

One thing about soccer is that fans are notorious for making chants to taunt the other team/fans and to support their own team as well. Luckily for me, all my friends were happy to teach me chants from their home countries. I learned one in Greek, Spanish, German, Dutch, and Swedish. Loosly translated some of the chants said "abadon your team now, go ahead and do it, do it"..."relegate again, again, relegate again"..."we are the best, you are horrible, why even try"...and some other ones i won't even try to translate because I don't believe they are family friendly.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

School is over...almost time to say goodbye...

I officially had my last day of class yesterday (push play above to see video). Our teacher is really sweet and bought each of us Swedish flags as going away presents. She presented each of us with one as we hummed Pomp and Circumstance . We signed each other's flag, laughed, hugged and cried. It was a great day! I'm gonna miss all these wonderful people I've met here.

The university organized an official goodbye party for all the international students. I volunteered to make a pic/vid slideshow of the semester and not to too my own horn (toot! toot!) but everybody loved it. Some said it was the best part of the party. I included as many pictures and videos and the soundtrack was all of our favorite songs over the semester. I don't know if there was a dry eye during the last song...It's So Hard to Say Goodbye.

And just because we had an official goodbye party doesn't mean we can't have one every single day until everybody leaves. Just about all the international students are here for about a week with nothing to do so we fill the time by BBQ'in (Swede style), swimming in the lake, and just enjoying our last few days together.