Sunday, April 27, 2008

Best Week Ever!!!

Now that I've been officially homesick I'm now officially LOVING Sweden again! At our pre-trip orientation they told us that we would be going through these phases while away from home but being the jet setter that I am I didn't think I'd ever get homesick. Thanks to everyone who sent packages, emails and letters of encouragement. I REALLY enjoyed receiving them all and it definitely helped me to overcome that low time.

The best week ever started last Sabbath at church. Even though the entire service is in Swedish they had a guest group come and sing. It was a group of 4 young men from a neighboring church and they even sang a few songs that I knew! My favorite one was "He'll Be There", a remix of "I'll Be There" by the Jackson 5. Yeah, don't!

In Växjö the days are already over 15 hours long and they increase in daylight by about 5 minutes every day. Spring has officially sprung and it shows all over campus. Tons of students are out all over campus BBQ'ing and soaking up the sun. Earlier this week an American friend of mine hosted a block party. It was cRaZy how many people showed up and all the fun that we had. I estimate there were over 100 people there and of course, I had to lead everybody in the Cha Cha was hilarious.

As everyone already knows I LOVE to have fun so I planned a social in my room. We played Twister, Pass-My-Shoe, Mingle, Mafia and all those other party games that everyone enjoys. If there was ever a trace of homesickness I think it was officially gone after that night.

Midweek some Americans hosted a bonfire next to the Växjö Lake. It was so picturesque! We made smores and sang camp songs. I also took a nap with some girlfriends in the sun this past week and it was wonderful. I think I'm really gonna miss my time here when its time to go...

Next Saturday night two friends and I are all hosting a summer-themed birthday party together. It should be an interesting night to say the least. 1 American, 1 German and 1 Mexican... Stay tuned for all the recap details!

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