Thursday, February 7, 2008

Swedish Preschool

This week we had our first of many school visits. This week we were able to visit a Swedish preschool. In Sweden preschool generally starts between 1-2 years of age because each family (yes family, father and grandparents included) is allowed 16 months of paid maternity/paternity/grandparent leave. It can be equally divided or the mother can take the majority of the time off. And yes, I didn't make a is PAID time off...for 16 MONTHS!!! I think I might have to move to Sweden when I have start having!

At the preschool the children are divided by age groups but the particular school we visited had theme rooms (art & crafts, music, make-believe, reading room, sleeping room, etc...) as well separate class rooms. The oldest class of children, the 5 & 6 year-olds (primary school doesn't begin until 6 or 7) performed for us in the music room. Myself and a few other of my classmates were chosen to participate with the kids in a song as well. Too bad it was all in Swedish so we were barely able to follow along but it was still loads of fun.

We ended the day by asking questions of the head teacher and taking a self-guided tour of the facility while the children were on the playground. Next week we have two more school visits, one at a Montessori program and another one at a public primary school. Stay in touch..there'll be more to hear and see in the coming days!

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