Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sorry its been so long...I've been soooooo busy!!!

Hej (hello) everybody! Sorry I've been in M.I.A. for so long...I've been so busy over the past 2 weeks and so much has happened! I'll give you the short version...

I went to a breakdancing concert at the concert hall downtown and it was fabulous! The group's name is the Freestyle Phanatix (see video above) and they are from Denmark. Their show was exciting and full of energy! They mostly spoke in Swedish but my buddy translated most it for me.

Also, this week I am STUDENT TEACHING IN SWEDEN!!! At first I was a little apprehensive and nervous because my Swedish is very limited but I must say this has been one of the best weeks since I arrived here! I've been working at Hovshagaskolan (see slideshow below) an elementary school about a 20-25 minute bus ride from campus. The children were very excited to have a guest teacher from San Francisco and they have been very eager to practice their English with me.

The school I visited has many options for their pupils including music, textiles and woodworking in addition to the regular school curriculum. I also ate in the cafeteria with the children and ate traditional Swedish food including (literally translated) blood pudding and body cakes...yeah, needless to say I didn't try either...I had lots of knäckebröd this!